Our Halls
The Greenhithe Residents Association owns both the Greenhithe Village Community Hall and the Old School Building. Greenhithe is both unique and fortunate to own two buildings that can be booked and used by members of the community. The Old School Building is a heritage building and forms part of our wonderful history.
Venue Brief
Hall Information:
Please call Hall Manager Michelle Herald on 021 76 3499 for regular bookings or any special inquiries.
Greenhithe Village Community Hall
- $35.00 per hour, except Saturday 5pm-12am which is $385.00 hire cost, $120.00 Cleaner and $400.00 Bond (which is refundable); full-day hire 6am-12am $630.00 hire cost, $120 Cleaner and $400.00 Bond.
Greenhithe Village Community Hall – Committee Meeting Room Only
- Meeting Room $16 per hour
Greenhithe Old School Building
- $15.00 per hour except Saturday 5pm -12am $180.00 hire cost, $120.00 Cleaner and $200.00 Bond.
- Banking information for Direct Credit: ASB: Greenhithe Residents Association Inc 12-3072-0266813-00. Particulars = Your Name, Reference = Date of booking dd/mm/yy
- Please check your “spam” box for confirmation letter if you haven’t received it after booking.
- Keys for each hall are kept in a Lock Box at each hall. Simply text Michelle Heald on 021 76 3499, with your booking reference number, to get the combination which gives you access to the key in the Lock Box. Return your keys to the Lock Box – Failure to do so will result in someone else’s event being spoiled. A spare emergency key is also kept by Sam at Greenhithe Pharmacy Unichem. This can be borrowed and returned during office hours.
In the event of any issues, please call Michelle Heald, the Hall Manager, on 02 176 3499.
- Please note that any booking made, that is outside of the rules detailed in the Terms of Hire, the Hall Manager has the right to veto the booking and the ability to refund payments.
- Cancellations and refunds will be in accordance with the following Policy:
– Cancellation more than 4 weeks before the event 100% refund
– Cancellation 2 – 4 weeks before the event 50% refund
– Cancellation within 2 weeks of the event No refund
- There is NO First Aid Kit in either the Greenhithe Community Hall or the Old School Building.
Note: Greenhithe Village Community Hall and the Old School Building are owned and maintained by Greenhithe Residents Association. Rental income and Association Membership Fees go towards the continuing maintenance and development of these old buildings.
Greenhithe Community Hall & Old School Building
7 & 13A Greenhithe Road, Greenhithe, Auckland 0632
Contact: Michelle Heald: info@greenhithe.org.nz 021 763499. Emergency Contact: 111
Owner’s Agent: Greenhithe Residents Association Inc.
Note: the Halls are not available for teenage or 21st Birthday functions – no exceptions.
The hirer and / or booker (hirer) agrees to hire the Hall on the date and time shown, subject to the following conditions. It is deemed the hirer has accepted these conditions, when paying for their event(s).
The maximum capacity of the Greenhithe VillageCommunity Hall is 150 people.
- Bookings for the Halls will not be confirmed unless and until the Hire Fees and Bond (where applicable) are paid. Payment is to be made at the time of booking and is to be by direct credit to the GRA bank account unless other arrangements have been agreed to.
- Cancellations and refunds are in accordance with the following Policy:
Cancellation more than 4 weeks before the event 100% refund
Cancellation 2 – 4 weeks before the event 50% refund
Cancellation within 2 weeks of the event No refund
- The Hirer is totally responsible for returning Hall facilities and exterior to the state they were in (if not better) prior to hiring. All rubbish must be removed from the site.
- Confetti; please DO NOT USE confetti or glitter as it is hard to remove from floor.
- Pins; please DO NOT USE pins, nails, sellotape or staple guns to fix decorations to the walls.
- Decorations; please remove all decorations from Hall after use.
- Any damage or loss to the Halls’ furniture, fittings or facilities incurred during the hire period, and costs of cleaning shall be reimbursed to the Hall Committee before return of the bond, or it will be deducted from the bond. Any damage costs beyond the bond will be charged to and paid for by the client directly. All repairs must be completed within 7 days.
- All functions must finish by 12am midnight, unless agreed otherwise at time of booking. Please be mindful that there are residents’ homes situated around the Halls.
- The bond shall only be returned to the hirer if all conditions are fulfilled.
- In the event that the hirer wishes to serve or to allow attendees to bring their own alcohol to be consumed during the hire period, it is the hirer’s sole responsibility to obtain the necessary licences.
- The hirer must make their own provisions for any event where First Aid is required.
- Use of any flammable or other dangerous materials for decorations, smoke making machines etc. in the Halls** must have written approval of the Hall Committee. (Refer #15 below)
- After the function, it is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure that all power appliances, lights and taps are turned off and all the windows and doors are securely closed and locked. The key must be returned to the key safe at the conclusion of the function unless otherwise arranged.
- The hirer acknowledges a responsibility to ensure there will be no excessive noise, anti-social behaviour or similar disturbances to the neighbourhood during the function.
- **Greenhithe Community Hall, Fire Alarm System.
The Community Hall has a Fire, Smoke, Heat Detection and Alarm System installed. The kitchen area has a heat sensor only and the rest of the rooms in the Hall have smoke sensors.
It is essential that the following cautions and procedures are followed by all Community Hall users.
- Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the Hall.
- Smoke making machines, barbecues or similar are not allowed in any area of the Hall.
- All cooking is to be confined to the kitchen or outside areas.
N.B. Should the alarm system be activated due to non-compliance or inappropriate activity, the Hirer(s) will be liable for all consequential expenses.
A call-out during normal working hours will cost $200.00, for after-hours, $360.00. All prices include G.S.T..
If the Fire Service attends, the cost is likely to be over $1,000.00.
Greenhithe Village Community Hall

Old School Building