

We need you…

We are a charity organisation funded through the community. Both community halls require a great deal of investment to maintain, and we need additional funding in order to put pressure on the local Council to achieve improvements in our community. Your participation and/or contribution are valuable support and help to us and the whole community. 

We at the GRA ensure that Greenhithe has a voice in local council and that our concerns are heard. When we hear of issues, then we put pressure on our Local Board and Council to fix these issues. Our campaigns can take years, but we’re tenacious and certainly rarely take no for an answer.

Please help us to represent our community by joining the Greenhithe Residents Association. Your contribution goes towards:

  • Maintaining our public spaces and buildings
  • Enabling us to put pressure on our Local Board, Auckland Council, Auckland Transport, and WaterCare etc.

To become a member of the Greenhithe Residents Association, simply complete the form below, providing your contact details and make the much appreciated your contribution of $20 to our bank account.

ASB Account Name: Greenhithe Residents Association Inc

Account Number: 12-3072-0266813-00

Reference: Your Name, Reference = MBRP

It’s a round of coffees – surely that’s not too much to ask to keep our vibrant community at it’s best?