Dear Neighbours, please find project updates from Stakeholder Manager Claire below (you may download original letter at the end)

Greenhithe Road Works Post lifting of COVID-19 Level 4 restriction.

We wish to update you on works associated with Watercare’s Northern Interceptor Project, Greenhithe Road works.

Due to the delay in our works caused by COVID-19 Level 4 restrictions, a revised Traffic Management Plan (TMP) for Greenhithe Road has been compiled by us and has now been approved by Auckland Transport. The revised TMP enables us to close Greenhithe Road from Wainoni Heights to the roundabout by Dressage Lane and Orwell Road, to through traffic for a period of approximately four weeks. During this time, we will install the pipeline across Greenhithe Road. We aim to take advantage of the reduced amount of traffic and buses on the roads and reduced numbers of pupils attending schools for the next few weeks during Level 3 restriction. Site set up will commence on 28 April with the road closure commencing in the first 4 May. Following these works, we will resume pipeline installation along Greenhithe Road. These works are planned to take eight weeks to complete.

What this means for Greenhithe Road Residents?

  • Traffic management personnel will keep you updated as works approach your property.
  • This section of Greenhithe Road will be closed 24/7 during this four-week period, with detours in place.
  • We will endeavour to keep driveway access open during the works. Should restrictions be required, we will work with residents as far as practicable to address any concerns. At times access to driveways may be restricted over night, traffic personnel will liaise with affected homes prior to this occurring.
  • Working hours will typically be from 7.00am to 6.00pm on Monday to Friday, and from 8.00am to 5.00pm on Saturdays. Where works are required outside of these hours, we will notify you in advance.
  • On rubbish day please leave your bins on the berm and we will move them for the rubbish truck to collect. Please make sure they are clearly numbered so we can bring them back.

Bus detour

Due to a section of Greenhithe Road being closed, there will be a bus route detour as shown below with additional temporary bus stops. Please check Auckland Transport on or please call them on 09 366 6400.

Due to the special situation Claire is not able to deliver the letter in person. Any questions, please email her at  or phone directly on 021 607774.