Auckland Transport and its designated contractor Downer NZ wish to notify you that we will soon be undertaking resurfacing works in your street. This work is necessary to ensure the safety of traffic and to sustain the serviceability and appearance of the road.  This work is authorised by AT under Covid-19 conditions level 3. Please ensure social distancing is abided by at all times. Subject to weather conditions, details of the work are as follows:

Dates:THURSDAY 30th APRIL 2020 – MONDAY 11th MAY 2020
Hours of work7.00am to 7.00pm 

Please note: The construction work may only take one day or less but during the remainder of this period contractors will be on and off the site to perform various tasks such as quality checks, road sweeping and line marking.

On street parking will be restricted at times, the restricted areas will be signposted prior to work starting.  If you do not have off-street parking, please park your vehicle away from the work zone so that the work can be completed promptly and with minimal disturbance to residents and other road users.

Large machinery and trucks will be operating in your street and you may experience some delays as we are working in front of your driveway.  A traffic controller will be on site to assist with vehicle access.  

What to expect:

  • Within 2 days of sealing, the road will be swept to remove the surplus sealing chip 
  • Drivers please avoid excessive speed, sharp turns, heavy braking and fast acceleration as these actions can damage the new surface and result in expensive repairs;
  • Pedestrians are asked to inspect/remove their footwear to avoid tracking emulsion or chip into vehicles or dwellings.
  • Please keep young children and animals well supervised and clear of the work area.

Auckland Transport thanks you for your cooperation during these works.

Should you have any question, please contact: Auckland Transport call centre on 09 355 3553.