- The toilet block located at Rahui Reserve will be demolished to make way for Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) site establishment.
- After the toilet block is removed, HDD site establishment will begin on Rahui Reserve.
- At the completion of the drilling works, a replacement toilet block will be constructed.
- Hours of work are 7am – 6pm Monday to Sunday (reduced hours on Sunday 9am – 4pm). Some minor works may occur outside of these hours. At three critical times during the horizontal directional drilling process, a continuous operation is required to continue until the specific task is completed. We will notify you in advance of these times.
- Works are programmed to be finished by March 2020.
- At the completion of the works, the road will be reinstated to its current condition. We have not been contracted to make any improvements to the road or stormwater infrastructure.
- Temporary traffic management will be on site to control all traffic movement into / out of Rahui Road.
- A cul-de-sac will be formed at Rahui Reserve coming from both directions in order to isolate works for health and safety purposes.
For details, read the original letter here:
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